The hubs came home last week looking pale. He quickly moves to the bedroom jumps into some sweats, and crawls under the covers. Keeping the boys quiet is a task I'd rather avoid, so we go to the park to give dad some peaceful z's. I buy a couple of hours then head back home to make a nutritious meal of mac and cheese and apple sauce...(can you blame me?) oh wait, i need a veggie. Does green JELL-O count? I'm sure it falls in the food pyramid somewhere (probably right next to chicken nuggests and peanut butter crackers) GOOD ENUF FOR ME!
Once dinner is over, kitchen cleaned and baths finished, I start to look for the toddler. I notice my bedroom door is cracked and muffled noise coming from the room. I tip toe and peak inside, and I see the toddler has climbed into bed with his dad and dragging his fingers lightly up and down his arm (we call this motion"lady-bug") and singing quietly. At first, I can't tell what the words are he is singing. Suddenly i realize he is making a beat-box sound with his mouth and he is singing his favorite song, but he is doing it in a soft slow tone. He is consoling his sick dad, and it sounded like this. "(with his mouth) boom-boom, ch, boom-boom, ch. We will, we will rock you! ch, boom-boom, ch. We will, we will ROCK YOU!"